Happy Valentines Day!

Knit your hearts with an unslipping knot - Wm Shakespeare
Passion Cape from In The Mood
Was meaning to have today off. A relaxed and romantic lunch with Philip was on the cards, but discovered last night that our main business email has been hacked into and all emails are bouncing back to senders... arrrrrgh!*!*!***

I was labouring under the misguided notion that Macs were immune to such things - silly me! So I'm sitting here running an anti-virus programme and seeing a whole list of Trojan infections which have invaded my laptop unbeknown to moi.  Very annoying to say the least, just hope that it can all be resolved without the loss of my whole head of hair!

But back to Valentine's Day - I wanted to share with you my Albion Cushion.  It's from World Knits, published more years ago than I care to remember, but still one of my favourites.

My well worn favourite Albion Cushion - front

Arlo loves it too! - back
Anyway a couple of days ago, probably because of the over exposure to all things heart-related recently, I suddenly focused on this cushion, which has been gracing our sofa for the past ten years. It suddenly came into focus again and I decided to put it on Ravelry - it can be downloaded here

In another more recent book, In The Mood, I did a whole section of knits inspired by love - all in beautiful kettle-dyed Araucania yarns.
Romance front
Romance back

Boudoir Socks
And finally, for serious chocaholics like me, here are a few pics of Bettys fabulously yummy chocolate hearts, snapped when we took the grandbabies to Harlow Carr the other day.

That's all for now, got to get back to my spy detecting...


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