Guerrilla knitting in York

I heard from a friend that last Saturday was to be an open day at York City Art Gallery. The museum had closed a few days before and would remain so for the next couple of years for a major refurbishment. 
An open invite was issued to the public to view the empty space, paint on the walls, play or listen to live music, watch potters at work, or best of all... yarn bomb the entrance and the outside of the building! Unfortunately, I was already doing a million other things on the day, so I didn't get to participate, but was there quick as a flash in the morning to see the results.
Exhibition Square was festooned with colourful knits and crochet, with quilters also joining in with the fabric bunting. First thing that caught my eye was this bench in in front of the gallery.  The piece of knitting I'm pointing to says Go knit!
I also loved the colourway on the bench on the other side of the square...
... and this gorgeous flower against the backdrop of King's Manor.
The wrought iron railings were also proudly bedecked with woollies - not quite sure what this is, but my interpretation is a face with wrought iron eyes... unless you know more or have another suggestion?  Great colours anyway.
This one, however, I feel is more of a whole person...
Each of the building's four columns were adorned with different themes...

... and there were little surprises in every nook and cranny, from the cheeky monkey on the window sill... a trio of cute cacti...
...and a lazy donkey taking a nap...
One thing I didn't see though was Peckasso, the pigeon who according to the Evening Press was to be found welcoming people to the event.  Maybe this exciting day was just too much for him and like the proverbial homing pigeon, he'd flown home?
But for me the piece de resistance was this fabulous bike, which the gallery also must have loved. I noticed on passing again earlier this week, that whilst everything else had been removed, this gorgeous creation was still propping up the column.

And long may it remain...
Well done York's guerrilla knitters, you certainly did the art gallery proud - a grand job!♥♥♥


  1. I wish I'd known about this. In a couple of months I'll be working in York for a while (at least while my employers are paying the extra it'll cost me to get there, when they stop I'll have to reconsider) so I'll probably miss the re-done museum. But I'd have loved to have visited on the open day. Thank you for sharing it.

  2. I'm in love with this. It's so great to see so many works in such a concentrated area. Thanks for the pictures!

  3. What fun! You can't help but smile when you see the yarn bombing. Thanks for posting this.


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