Knit Greece and Knit France 2015

Oh dear, not been a very good blogger recently.  A combination of time - a month in France for our two Knit France knitters tours -  and struggling with a painful and protracted bout of sciatica, which is only just beginning to show signs of abating. However, with the help of Lena, my Alexandre Technique teacher, I'm slowly starting to feel more like my old self again.
Yarn shop in Saumur on our way back to UK
So what has brought me back to my laptop today? Well I just had to tell you about our two knitters tours for 2015. We all had such a glorious time on Knit France at Chateau Forge du Roy in June that due to popular demand we're repeating it again in September 2015 - you can view pics from this year's tours here.
Since we got back from France we've been hard at work developing the itinerary for Knit Greece. Mani in the Peloponnese is one of our favourite destinations and a place we've visited many times, so P and I are looking forward to showing it off to everyone next May.
I'm thrilled to announce that both tours will be available for bookings on my website from 3pm GMT tomorrow, 30th July... Yaaaaay!!!

That's all for now, don't go away, more anon...


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