The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Let's start with the good. It's been a quiet and colourful autumn here in York, with most of the leaves still hanging on and the garden resplendent with fruits, berries and blooms. Nasturtiums, hydrangeas, chrysanthemums, geraniums - yes the geraniums are still flowering their little hearts out - lavender, and even the evergreen magnolia trying hard, though I suspect that the large plump buds will come to nothing as they slowly turn browner and browner with the cooler weather.

Berries first...
The gorgeous iris foetidissima
Cotoneaster horizontalis
Next the fruits...
The blackbirds are working hard trying to finish off
 the grapes, but there are still a few bunches
Next year's figs

And finally the flowers...

Red geraniums sheltered by the front door
Ivy leaved geranium in a hopper
The hydrangeas are drying out now but still a lot of
colour to be had
Another favourite - hydrangea villosa
Small petalled and two tone as the colour drains...
Winter jasmine is just starting to flower
The sculptural castor oil flowers
Last of the bears breeches
This abutilon is slow to get going but doesn't seem to mind
when it gets a tad cold
This little volunteer is the hard worker of the garden - probably
blooming for nine months of the year and positioning
 itself tastefully wherever. it spots a space
Can't  beat a chrysanthemum at this time of year
Old favourite for cheerfulness and usefulness,still
providing leaves and flowers for salads in November.
In two colours too!
Quiet, that was, until news  of the horrific senseless violence in Paris and Beirut hit the news. What is it that from time immemorial, wars have been fought in the name of religion when in fact, I find it hard to believe that any god would sanction the widespread  taking of life that we've seen in recent years.

It's been said many times that the West has dual values when it comes to grieving, giving it more importance when death happens closer to home. Maybe this is true of the people in power, but for many of the rest of us life is precious and a life lost is always a tragedy. So the taking of life in the name of religion is the ultimate act of cowardly aggression and leaves the whole of humanity the poorer. 

There's a poem by Warsan Shire going around Facebook which says it all:
later that night
i held an atlas in my lap
ran my fingers across the
whole world
and whispered
where does it hurt?

it answered

So this candle burns for the victims in Paris and Beirut, their families and friends, the men, women and children lost to war whenever and wherever, and also for those fleeing violence - the refugees, many of whom will face another hard winter trying to escape the ravages of war.


  1. Jean, this is a beautiful post. Thank you so much for beginning with those autumnal images that many of us have been enjoying around the globe. It's what I've been thinking during my own walks around NYC.

    And then...after a long phone conversation with a dear friend, she and I both switched on our televisions to discover the horrid Parisian news. Instantly, we called each other again. I expect that many folks have had similar reactions.

    I went to work this morning, and returned this eveing to discover that France had sent out bombers to Syria.

    And still nature reveals its beauty. Aren't we humans capable of very odd behavior?

    I imagine that I'll be up a bit late tonight, but do wonder what tomorrow's dawn will show us. Let's hope that less and less violence at any level will be part of our shared future.

    Gosh...I always think of fine knitting when I see you've got a new post, and have now left a very different sort of comment. Best wishes to you and yours, xo

    1. Lovely to hear from you Frances, as ever.

      I'm fast losing the plot on all this horrific violence - really am at a loss to know what to think. it's difficult to stand by and watch it all unfold and do nothing, yet none of the options seem to lead to a longterm solution.

      NYC must be beautiful at this time of year, glad you're enjoying your home city.

      Love and hugs,

  2. I so love reading your blog Jean and missed this when you were so sick. Thank you for this beautiful blog and I have actually shared the poem on my facebook page as it really says it all doesn't it?


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