Nature Photo Challenge

Last week I received a nomination from Pete Mitchell, my old guitar guru, to take up a photo challenge to post seven pictures of nature on seven consecutive days, at the same time nominating another photographers to give it a go every day. I was a little reticent about it to begin with, but I have to say it was a lot of fun once I got started. It gave me a reason to look back over many of my old photos and rediscover their stories. My seven days ended today and I thought it would be good to have a record of the photos I chose, hence the purpose of this blog, also to see what you might think of them and which were your favourites and why?
Nature Photo Challenge
Broccoli Romanesco
I came across this Broccoli Romanesco several years ago in the market. I'd never seen anything like it and was so fascinated I couldn't bear to cook and eat it. The conical florets are a perfect example of fractals in nature.
Django and what he thought was his breakfast
One very proud cat with his prey. Eat your heart out David Attenborough! NB No bunnies were harmed in the filming of this shot.

I can't tell you what a buzz it gave me to find this treasure
I found this nest in the garden in Wales and was blown away on catching a glimpse of the vibrant turquoise eggs. I think they may be robin's eggs, but you may know more?
Philip and Ava treading the untrodden snow
Love the colour and texture the lichen has added to the rough-hewn stone
Been trying to cover nature in as many different dimensions as possible in seven days. I was in a slight dilemma here, just couldn't decide which image, so I posted two: the first reminds me of a Russian fairytale, though it was shot in the woods at RHS Harlow Carr, and the second is an old Yorkshire Dales barn. covered in brilliant yellow lichen - you choose.
Could be the Small White, pieris rapae?
This butterfly was having the day from hell! First of all it was locked in the conservatory overnight, and must have been completely dehydrated by the morning, then it was set upon by one of the cats, who must have taken a bite out of its wing. As it was lying lifeless on the mat, I assumed the butterfly must be dead, but after removing the cat, I looked again and it had started to flutter its wings. I usually have a camera at the ready for moments like these, so I quickly grabbed it and took this photo. It recovered fairly quickly after that, so I carefully scooped it up and set it free in the garden, from where it flew off to get some well-earned breakfast.
I've always loved the roadside verges in summer,
 particularly the tracery of cow parsley
A couple of years ago at the Whitby Folk Festival, we took some time out to visit local friends. On the short journey this field of corn caught my eye, glowing luminously in the sun. Of course, this brought the car to a screeching halt so I could get a quick pic on my phone.
Submerged ancient forest of Borth
Dark foreboding sky - perfect backdrop for this massive rainbow
Another dilemma day. I'd planned to have this photo of a rainbow in Ireland to finish off with, but I couldn't bear the idea of leaving out another favourite of a submerged forest. So... another bonus image :). The rainbow appeared just as the coach was leaving the Kerry Woollen Mills, during one of our knitting tours.  The submerged forest was shot on our local beach in Wales. The ferocious storms of a couple of years ago played havoc with the beaches in Cardigan Bay, removing thousands of tons of sand and stripping away layers of peat to reveal the 4500-6000 year old forest of oak, alder, yew and birch trees.

I've thoroughly enjoyed my stroll down photographic memory lane, hope you did too! It was just what was needed on these damp, dismal and dark days to bring some light and colour. Good to be reminded that the days are getting longer now and spring will be here before we know it.  So meanwhile why not light those candles, wrap yourself in a favourite handknit and tuck in by the fireside with a drink of whatever makes you feel good. In Denmark  they call this 'hygge', pronounced a bit like clearing your throat (????), and thought to be derived from our word 'hug' (more likely vise versa). So give yourself a hug, snuggle down with a good book or some knitting and find enjoyment even in the worst of winter weather. Thanks for dropping by x


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