Rambles around November

It's been a rum old week... as my mum used to say! Nothing in particular, but since the excitement of my birthday at the beginning of last week it's seemed very quiet,  like the lull before the storm . May be something to do with life after Brexit or realising that President Trump is no longer a bad dream... probably both.
An Italian depiction of a festive culinary birthday from Giulia, Felix's lovely girlfriend 
To blow away the cobwebs I've been taking bracing constitutionals most days. Just round and about, but not only does it help to kick my muscles back into gear, it also gives me a huge adrenaline rush to be amongst all the glorious autumn colour. It's just as vivid as it was a month ago. The gardens too are holding onto their leaves as long as possible, making the outdoors seem as if they've been airbrushed with an extra layer of warm hues. Amazing for mid-November!
Little pond in the park
On one of these walks we came across our friend Mrs Tiggywinkle. P and I saved her once more from being squashed on the road. Since being a tiny baby she's been seen in our neighbourhood regularly, appearing in various streets, where she loves to snuffle amongst the fallen leaves in the gutters at the sides of the road. She's now quite tame and doesn't mind being picked up and if necessary, relocated to a nearby safer place.
There she goes again heading for the road
I'd love to put her somewhere where I know she'd be permanently safe, but I think she just likes to live dangerously  🙂
How wonderful is the gnarled shape of this moss-clad Japanese maple, the ground was covered with its fallen red leaves...
...and the verdant fernery - an essay in green.
And in pride of place cheering the cockles of my heart are the majestic specimen trees. They certainly know how to stamp their authority on the landscape...
... making me smile as P caught me lingering by this stunningly golden dogwood. 

Oh, and just in case you were wondering, the fabulous felted mittens keeping me toasty are by Eileen Maga and are available in practically any colour you might wish for in her Etsy shop Sew Sweet Clover. Also, if you're a longtime reader of my blog, you may recognise the hat, which is the Albion from my book World Knits.  Many people who don't have the book have asked me for the pattern over the years, so when someone asked the other day, I decided the time had come, so for any of you who might like to knit it, the pattern is on Ravelry.
If only you could drink these colours - blink and you might think you're in a Disney landscape...
...and the wonderful reflections are something else.

On the home front, Django has been very under the weather recently, scratching manically at his coat and moping around feeling so sorry for himself. As both our cats are dosed regularly for worms, fleas and ticks, we were beginning to think there was something terribly wrong. We mentioned it to the vet when they were getting their annual jabs and sod's law,  quick as a flash she found evidence of fleas on both of them. A stronger dosage of anti-flea meds was prescribed and duly administered. so fingers crossed, he'll soon he'll be fighting fit again. Meanwhile unabashed, Arlo has been up to his old tricks, bullying poor Django, sitting in the sink just when you need to use it - he loves water, don't ask - and when he's not doing either of the former, he gracefully poses around the place so that we can fully admire the beautiful creature that he undoubtedly knows he is. 
Luckily they don't fight all the time though and Arlo can be a sweetie sometimes.
Here he is sitting on top of the kitchen bin - he's a dab hand at sitting on anything you need to use - doing his excellent impersonation of a circus lion.

We've had a regular visitor recently in the form of a neighbour's cat. They're away quite a lot and he's very old, so methinks he comes to warm up by the fire. However, he's top cat in the street, so Arlo is getting a little of his own medicine. Cat karma! 🙂
Jo making himself at home
Finally I hope you managed to get a glimpse of the supermoon the other day especially as it's the biggest one since 1948 and we won't be seeing another one so big until 25 November 2034. 

Unfortunately we didn't as there was far too much cloud, but I've been taking pictures to celebrate the season's fading light recently, usually with little success as they're all taken on my phone, but I think this one captures something of the atmosphere at dusk.
Sweet dreams xo


  1. Jean, it was grand to see how November is changing the looks of your garden. I also loved the photo of you with those cosy-looking felted mittens.

    Yes, I also hope that your sweet cat is by tomorrow or the next day feeling quite healthy.

    Over here, all is well with me in my micro life, but I am truly very unhappy with the recent election results, not just at the presidential level. This is a scary time, maybe even testing good vs. evil. Maybe you have seen some of my IG posts. I am trying to figure how to do a blog post.

    I grew up in the traditions of the Southern part of the States, and as a child accepted many things that began to chafe as I got into my teens and then went off to college. I moved to NY after graduation in 1967. Nowadays, I can see most major news developments from several vistas.

    I guess I am glad to be no longer young. xo

    1. Hello Frances, I know just what you mean about scary times. I listened to the list of Trump's advisors on the news yesterday and if they take action on views they have expressed, then I fear there will be at least civil war, if not worse.

      On a brighter note, unfortunately ''tis not our garden in these photos, but a local park, where we often walk. Our York garden is a courtyard, but even so with the mild autumn the colourful leaves are only just starting to fall.

      Django is improving and though he hasn't stopped scratching totally, he's doing it far less often and looks much happier now.

      NY must be glorious now with all the Xmas lights and crisp cold weather that I associate with it in winter time.

      Must take a look at your recent IG posts. There's so much tech stuff to be updating with FB, twitter, Pinterest, IG, google and a blog that I sometimes feel completely weighed down by it all and try not to open my laptop for a few days... hardly ever successful🙂. Anyway I shall make a point of seeking out yours. Hugs xo

    2. Dear Jean, I so appreciate your taking time for this reply. I do agree with you about grave concerns about what will be happening, or not happening, over here...and actually around the world.

      Glad to hear that Django is improving. That's a good trend to watch!

      Your Yorkshire park is lovely. Sometimes I do think of beautiful Central Park as "my" garden, even if my annual contribution to the Central Park Conservancy is quite modest.

      The city is beginning to don it seasonal decorations. Some are tacky, some of natural, some are extravagant. All are fun to see on long walks. xo


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