Getting the hang of things!

Now that I'm getting to grips with blogging, I want to tell you a bit about what you'll find here.  I'll be talking about current sources of inspiration - featuring images that I love, there'll be news about our upcoming 2012 knitters' tours (Lakes & York in May and Knit Ireland in September),  I'll be sharing knit techniques, as well as occasionally revisiting designs from my back catalogue.

I love teaching and it's particularly satisfying when a past student takes things a step further.  Janice Sumpton has been on several of our tours and was always a star in class and dressed in the most gorgeous knits.  Recently Janice has been designing for Koigu - their fabulous yarns and Janice's  design sensitivity should be a match made in heaven.

After being away for more than two weeks the pile of  virtual (if only it was virtual!) work is sky high so I'll leave you with this wonderful image from the Yorkshire Sculpture Park.  I'm looking forward to wearing all those delicious berry colours, getting back into my boots and not having to pretend that sandals and wet feet is fun.  Bring on the autumn!


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