Sweet Shawlettes sneak peep

Sneak preview of the project gallery of my new book, Sweet Shawlettes, to be published by The Taunton Press in January 2012 in the US, but not till March 2012 in the UK.  A collection of twenty-five shawls, capelets, cuffs, collars and more, it's available for pre-order on Amazon.  Here's the blurb:

Shawlettes are hugely popular fashion accessories worn about the shoulders and meant for showing off. They're not only stylish but these budget friendly pieces make for perfect portable projects. The garments are grouped by style: Country, Couture, Folk, and Vintage, and feature gorgeous yarns including cashmere, wool, silk, cotton, and sustainable blends. Knitters of all levels will draw inspiration from the brilliant patterns and variations. Additionally helpful are illustrations, charts, schematics, and an appendix with instructions for special stitches. Each shawlette can be easily reinterpreted in beautiful ways, and the patterns in this book will capture knitters imaginations for years to come.

I'm very excited about this book and can't wait to hold a copy in my hand  - it would be great to have your feedback.


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