Post Xmas dip

Is anyone else feeling like me - partied out, bursting with food and in need of a good walk to blow away the cobwebs?  Can't decide whether the aching limbs and headache are symptoms of flu or just a bad hangover.  Even the kitties are flagging. Arlo and Django are usually partners in crime, going about their business making mischief all over the place. However, today they're very snoozy - obviously decided they need a day in bed, which is what I would be doing if there wasn't so much to do before New Year's Eve.  

There's been a long run of festivities both before, during and after Xmas this year and no time at all for recharging the batteries. Santa was very kind, he brought me lots of treats, as well as my alltime favourite perfume, Mitsouko, vintage Guerlain, created in 1919 to celebrate the end of World War 1.  It's a scent I've worn for years and never tire of, this quote from the link says it all - After all, as The Bombshell Manual of Style declares: 'Mitsouko has more sensuous layers to unpeel than Rita Hayworth dancing the Dance of the Seven Veils as Salome'

But really Xmas is all about kids and it was fantastic to see the grandbabies taking such delight in opening their prezzies.  Often the smallest ones are the biggest hits - like blowing bubbles or burning the Amoretti wrappers and watching them threaten to set fire to the tablecloth, then at the last minute seeing them soar like angels into the air.  A sky lantern finished off the day perfectly for Izzi and Ava, it was the grand finale before they left  - why is it that pyrotechnics never fail to delight all children - young and also not so young?  
Getting very excited about the upcoming blog tour.  Am in the process of answering questions for participating bloggers about the making of the book.  It's quite a satisfying thing to do, revisiting the designs and remembering how I agonised over each and every one of them. So many decisions, which in retrospect don't seem so important now the book is done.

Don't forget, the tour kicks off on Jan 3, and I'll be visiting twenty-four stellar bloggers over the course of the month.  There'll be reviews, giveaways and more, so get involved.
Off to clear my head now with a walk down the river into town to get a few things for New Years Eve.  It's only the fifth day of Xmas, but the New Year is fast approaching and as I'm told I'm a synesthete, I sense a change in mood colourwise, and the heavy, warm saturated shades of the festive period are fading fast - the very word January for me conjures up tints of greens and creams, something similar to the colours of this image from my book.


  1. Sounds as if you had a great Christmas, loving the photos of the girls. Hope brisk walk helped and you are not getting a cold. Also really looking forward to the Book Tour starting, have set myself a 'Ping' so I don't forget.
    Wishing you a very happy new year.
    Hugs, Heike x


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