Bread, cats and the knitted textile awards 2011

Lots to do since we got back from Ireland, but Philip found some time to make bread - wholemeal, spelt and rye.  I love it, specially slathered in butter just out of the oven, with Marmite for breakfast or for a quick ploughman's lunch with plenty of cheddar and apple chutney - I can feel the pounds going on as I write!

One fun thing we've done since getting back was to collect our new kitten, a Maine Coon called Arlo.  He's a very loving little fellow and is dying to make friends with our other kitten, Django, who's four months older.  Django's not so sure about this, but I can feel Arlo winning him over by the minute and I'm sure they'll soon be inseparable partners in crime.  

I was thrilled recently to be asked to be one of the judges of the 2011 Knitted Textile Awards  at Alexandra Palace next week.  My friend, Sasha Kagan, and I had a wonderful time in Harrogate last year judging the gorgeous submissions.  There's such a wealth of design talent in Britain and it's inspiring to see all the fabulous pieces.  However, this year's awards coincide with my mother moving into a local care home - she needs lots of support both in the moving and also settling into a new place, so reluctantly I won't be heading for London this time, but hoping they ask me again next year.

It's National Knitting week 3-10 October so I've got my thinking cap on, considering what I can do to heighten knitting's profile.  Autumn is certainly the time to get your needles going again. I love starting new projects at this time of year and I automatically gravitate to the reds, golds, and burgundies that make autumn sparkle.  That reminds me it's time to get the wood delivered for the winter - if only you could bottle the smell of wood smoke.  


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