I love autumn!

Lovely autumn day, warm and sunny, so did lots of stuff in the garden.  In York this is a small courtyard which can easily become a jungle if not hacked back regularly.  So... fought back the wisteria and won, if only for the time-being, chopped back the bamboo and fed all the pots to try to extend their blooms a while longer.  Big baking day.  My daughter-in-law, Nicky, brought lots of beautiful Bramleys from her garden and so I set about making an apple crumble for tomorrow's family Sunday lunch.  However,  I added too much lemon juice, so ever the pragmatist, the apple crumble turned into an apple pie!  I also made a spanakopita, one of my favourite quick veggie recipes with filo pastry layers of feta cheese and spinach.  Our whole family is vegetarian - all three boys were brought up veggie and they're continuing the tradition with their own children.  Although I'm not into proselytizing (although Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall  puts an interestingly good case for vegetables in his gobsmacking about-turn in the Guardian at http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2011/aug/26/hugh-fearnley-whittingstall-vegetables?INTCMP=SRCH) - as far as I'm concerned people make their own choices - but I'm so pleased to see my children sharing some of my values.  Apple chutney tomorrow!


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