Xmas gift - easy shawl

Merry Christmas to all my online friends, may the New Year bring peace and happiness to you all.

Here's my Xmas gift, Topaz, an easy knit in Manos Silk Blend, guaranteed to keep you cosy through the party season.

One size approx.
20 in wide x 66 in long / 51cm  x 168cm
MANOS Silk Blend
(270m/300yds per 100g skein):
5 skeins Rust 6610
4 mm (US 6),  2 extra-long circular 4mm (US 6); or size to obtain tension, markers
21 sts and 38 rows =  4”/10 cms over garter st when blocked. 
Please work swatch and check carefully.  If wrong alter size of needles until correct tension is achieved. NB  Before blocking the piece will be smaller than required size, therefore block your swatch before measuring.
Knit every row
Multiple of 22 sts + 1
Cast on 1 st
Row 1              k1, p1, k1, p1, k1 into this st   – 5 sts
Rows 2-8         slip 1, k4
Row 9              k2tog, k1, k2tog
Row 10            k3tog
Row 11            Place point of LH needle into cast on st and knit tog with last st. Slip onto holder                      
*Cast on 11 sts, slip on 1 bobble pulling tight, cast on 10 sts; rep from * 16 more times, end last rep cast on 11 sts
Row 1              *k1, yo, k9, s2kp (slip 2 sts together, k1, pass 2 sts over), k9, yo; rep from * 16 more   times, end k1
Row 2              *p2, k19, p1; rep from * 16 more times, end p1
Row 3              *k2, yo, k8, s2kp, k8, yo, k1; rep from * 16 more times, end k1
Row 4              *p3, k17, p2; rep from * 16 more times, end p1
Row 5              *k3, yo, k7, s2kp, k7, yo, k2; rep from * 16 more times, end k1
Row 6              *p4, k15, p3; rep from * 16 more times, end p1
Row 7              *k4, yo, k6, s2kp, k6, yo, k3; rep from * 16 more times, end k1
Row 8              *p5, k13, p4; rep from * 16 more times, end p1
Row 9              *k5, yo, k5, s2kp, k5, yo, k4; rep from * 16 more times, end k1
Row 10            *p6, k11, p5; rep from * 16 more times, end p1
Row 11            *k6, yo, k4, s2kp, k4, yo, k5; rep from * 16 more times, end k1
Row 12            *p7, k9, p6; rep from * 16 more times, end p1
Row 13            *k7, yo, k3, s2kp, k3, yo, k6; rep from * 16 more times, end k1
Row 14            *p8, k7, p7; rep from * 16 more times, end p1
Row 15            *k8, yo, k2, s2kp, k2, yo, k7; rep from * 16 more times, end k1
Row 16            *p9, k5, p8; rep from * 16 more times, end p1
Row 17            *k9, yo, k1, s2kp, k1, yo, k8; rep from * 16 more times, end k1
Row 18            *p10, k3, p9; rep from * 16 more times, end p1
Row 19            *k10, yo, s2kp, yo, k9; rep from * 16 more times, end k1
Row 20            purl
Row 21            knit
Row 22            purl
Cast on 85 sts and work in garter st until work measures 66 in / 168cm when blocked.  Cast off.
Work 17 bobbles and leave on holder.
Using extra-long circular needle, cast on 375 sts and refer to Edging and work the 22 rows. 
With RS facing, starting at top left-hand side of shawl, using other extra-long circular needle, pick up and knit 375 sts.
With RSs facing, work three needle cast off with two circular needles and one straight needle.

3-Needle Cast-Off
Place right sides together, back sts on one needle and front sts on another.  * work 2 together (1 from front needle and 1 from back needle).  Repeat from * once.
Cast off first st over 2nd st.  Continue to work 2 together (1 front st and 1 back) and cast off across.

Press flat to size.

This design must not be knitted for resale.  Reproduction in whole or part for commercial gain is strictly forbidden unless prior consent has been given in writing.
 © Jean Moss



  1. Thank you Jean for this lovely gift making sure we are all going to be busy over Christmas. Looks stunning! x

  2. Oh how *generous* Jean !!!! And Gorgeous too ! You're the greatest ~ Of course, happy Chritsmas to you too. Hugs of Thanks!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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