Sweet Shawlettes Extract - Giveaway winner

Congratulations to Lydia winner of In The Mood giveaway.  Please email me your postal address and I'll get it straight in the post to you.

In the run up to publication in January, I'll be posting some extracts from Sweet Shawlettes. The first one is Vamp from the Vintage chapter, a glamorous, easy-to-knit boa using Rowan Kid Silk Haze. Evoking the glamour of Hollywood film stars like Marilyn Monroe, Mae West, and Jean Harlow, this frothy concoction is guaranteed to lift your spirits as soon as you put it on! 

The two layers are knit in stocking stitch, ruched together down the centre, then threaded with silk ribbon.  This is a great project for beginner knitters - oodles of style from straightforward old knit and purl. I've chosen a soft lilac and dove colourway, but I've included lots of tips on other combos that will also work the look to get maximum impact.
Thoughts on Colour
Whether used metaphorically in song, speech or in our homes, gardens or wardrobes, colour has a powerful effect on our everyday lives.   In colour therapy and feng shui, colour is used in many ways to enhance well-being.
RED is a symbol of protection and caution in many cultures - powerful, extrovert and passionate.  Add a layer of black for a dramatic statement, with white ribbon to symbolise the cycle of life.
BLUE is at once uplifting, relaxing, serene and inspiring, it may be cool but it doesn't have to be cold.  Add jade, turquoise or emerald, with ivory ribbon for a healing combination.
YELLOW is the brightest colour in the spectrum, it lifts the spirits and brings a sense of joy. Add a layer of ivory with golden sari silk ribbon for extra glamor.
GREEN is nature's hallmark, said to encourage good fortune and healing.  Try green on green, combining two shades, a light and a dark, with a green velvet ribbon.
PURPLE is a symbol of royalty, wealth, ritual, creativity and eccentricity.  Combines well with grey, with either tone-on-tone purple ribbon or silver for extra sparkle.
NEUTRALS like ivory, taupe, buff and mushroom are borrowed from the natural world around us and are symbolic of wholeness and unity.  Combine two neutrals plus ivory ribbon to set a soft and soothing mood. 
METALLICS silver, gold, bronze and copper bring life and oomph and in many cultures are thought to deflect the 'evil eye' and inspire creativity. Use as an accent in any colourway which would benefit from added va va voom!


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