Adieu Xmas!

It was the Twelfth Night yesterday and for once I've managed to get the tree down. Yaaaay!  Makes me feel very smug and on top of things, certainly not something I achieve every year. I always have the feeling I'll have a year of bad luck if the decorations aren't back in their boxes on time, but it's a toss up whether or not it happens.  I'm not the only one either, thank goodness. Some years ago when I was staying with Alexi, David and Elaine of XRX in Sioux Falls (seem to remember I was editing Sculptured Knits), I was bemused to find that their Xmas decorations were still up in June!  I think they win the prize, unless you know different...
Bye bye Xmas tree
My friend Jose in Kalamata, Greece, told me that today is Theophania - a bigger celebration in Greece than Xmas. It's the day when the wise men arrived at the stable on their camels bearing gifts.  Here it's called Epiphany or the Adoration of the Magi. I'll bear this in mind in the future, it does give a little more breathing space even if only a day!
Fra Angelica's Epiphany
Putting all the clutter away does have a positive effect though, it's like a new broom for the New Year and I can feel things coming more into focus now and looking forward to seeing how the year is going to pan out.

I'll leave you with some famous quotes from the bard's own Twelfth night:
Mark it, Cesario, it is old and plain,
The spinsters and the knitters in the sun
And the free maids that weave their threads with bones
Do use to chant it; it is silly sooth
And dallies with the innocence of love,
Like the old age

This fellow is wise enough to play the fool

If music be the food of love, play on

I am sure care's an enemy to life

I am a great eater of beef, and I believe that does harm to my wit

Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage

Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them

Love sought is good, but love giv'n unsought is better

He does it with better grace but I do it more natural

One more thing - last night I finished the zip-up-the-back baby sweater.  It's been waiting for a zip since before Xmas.  I hate sewing in zips and am seriously bad at it. Was meaning to celebrate with a photo, but wasn't counting on the 'help' of one 10lb mischievous Maine Coon kitten.  He had his big op (not really big but I feel SO bad about it) a couple of days ago, so I was expecting him to be sorta sluggish for a while - not Arlo!  Here's the photography attempts!  Better pics of the sweater on Ravelry.

Don't forget, there are many giveaways of Sweet Shawlettes on the blog tour.  Today we're visiting The Knitter.

Tues 3 Jan  Wendy Knits Wendy Johnson  
 Wed 4 Jan  Knitgrrl Shannon Okey
Thurs 5 Jan  Yarnagogo Rachael Herron
➤ Fri 6 Jan  The Knitter Rosee Woodland
Sat 7 Jan  Rhythm of the Needles  Joanne Conklin
Sun 8 Jan  Knit Purl Gurl  Karrie Steinmetz
                 Mon 9 Jan   CraftSanity  Jennifer Ackerman-Haywood
Tues 10 Jan  Planet Purl  Beth Moriarty
Wed 11 Jan  Sunset Cat  Stephannie Tallent
Thurs 12 Jan  A Really Good Yarn  Julie Schilthuis
Fri 13 Jan  knit 1 chicago  Lynn Coe
Sat 14 Jan  Go Knit In Your Hat  Carol Sulcoski
Sun 15 Jan  Redshirt Knitting  Erika Barcott
Mon 16 Jan   In The Loop  Cheryl & Ellen
Tues 17 Jan  WEBS  Kathy Elkins
Wed 18 Jan  Zeneedle  Margene Smith
Thurs 19 Jan   Knitspot  Anne Hanson
Fri 20 Jan   Urban Yarns  Alexa Ludeman
Sat 21 Jan  A Friend to knit with  Leslie Friend
Mon 23 Jan  Tentenknits  Margaux Hufnagel
Tues 24 Jan  Fancy Tiger Crafts  Amber Corcoran
Thurs 26 Jan  The Panopticon  Franklin Habit

Tbc  Chic Knits  Bonne Marie Burns


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