California Revival Knits Winner

It's been all go on the tour recently so sorry that the draw is a little tardy. We managed to find time to pick a winner before supper at our hotel this evening after an action packed day out.  Two of our guests, Peggie and David, kindly agreed to do the draw, pulling the winner out of Merry's Dragonfly handknit sock. As you can see it was number two which turns out to be Susie Hewer.  If you email your address to me Susie, I'll get the book sent on to you post haste. 

California Revival Knits draw at Cragwood Hotel
 There'll be more about what we've been doing soon, but meanwhile here's a taster.

Group outside Rydal Mount
We were up early, breakfasted and off on the coach by 9.15am to Wordsworth's Rydal Mount. The rain held off, with even the odd burst of sun coming through, making the landscape seem almost biblical.

The house and gardens are magical and we were treated to poems along the way by Peter, our excellent guide, as well as a rendition of The Daffodils by Paul, who was later rewarded by a signed copy of the poem by Susan Wordsworth, the poet's great, great, great grand-daughter.

Herdwick sheep with her lamb

Then on to Grasmere for lunch and a wander around. P and I went for a walk along the beck and encountered many Herdwick sheep with their lambs, who seemed to be quite tame, in fact they behaved as if being photographed was just another part of their everyday lives, which I suspect is actually the case.

Next a wonderful drive through the most spectacular Lakeland scenery, arriving about an hour later at the honeypot for fibre enthusiasts that is the Wool Clip Co-op. Needless to say, much ooing and aahing went on at the fabulous range of handspun fibres and I don't suppose I need to tell you that before we left, there were many Wool Clip carrierbags heading for the coach!

Also it was a lovely bonus when Cecilia, one of the co-op members, kindly gave us a demo of drop-spindle spinning.  She made it look so easy, but I remember thinking otherwise when I used to spin, having no problem with a wheel but I never could get the hang of the drop spindle.

Cecilia spinning yarn
There's tons more I could tell you but it's late and I'm falling asleep at my laptop so watch this space ... Tomorrow we're knitting on the Steamyacht Gondola en route to John Ruskin's Brantwood.


  1. Oh how lovely, I can't believe I won! Thank you so much - I've emailed my details.

    I wish Cecilia would show me how to use a drop spindle because i just can't get the hang of it at all!

    The Lake District looks amazing at this time of year doesn't it.


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