Vidal Sassoon

Vidal Sassoon dies at Los Angeles home aged 84 | Fashion | The Guardian
The man himself crafting Mary Quant's famous bob

I've noticed there's been much interest recently in my post on Pop Art, so thought this article in The Guardian on Vidal Sassoon, who died a couple of days ago, might also be of interest.

Vidal always said he would have been an architect had he gone to college, and this is borne out in his modernist approach to hairdressing. He carried forward the banner of modernism into the sixties, with an eye for clean shapes that were the lynchpin of modern buildings.

The notion that form follows function was at the core of Vidal's philosophy and his revolutionary geometric wash and wear styles put paid to the elaborate beehives that had been popular previously.

'Cutting hair for me was just creating shapes, always inspired by buildings'
Another one-off gone from the planet.

On a different note, yesterday when we stole a couple of minutes between showers to have coffee in the garden, I got all excited by the black tulips which were looking louche and lovely after opening up in the rain.

Out came the camera and I got carried away - also snapped the clematis montana that's just mushroomed all over the back wall. It's got big ideas and is attempting to completely obliterate the Japanese maple which kindly spreads its limbs and invites it to run through its branches.

Another shower sent us running indoors for cover, camera in hand - the alstromerias were looking glorious so I shot them too.  Wouldn't it be great to capture these colours and textures in a shawl?  Now that would be an awesome piece of knitting!

P went to the farmers' market at the weekend, coming home with all sorts of goodies. As I felt knackered last night and didn't fancy slaving at the stove for long, it was lucky that the night before's leek and courgette crumble was still in the fridge, which went down very well with this delicious quail's egg salad. Had forgotten how scrumptious quail's eggs are and so decorative too.

That's it for now - next blog will be from the tour, when I'll be posting a blow by blow account of our adventures in the Lake District & York.  If you haven't already entered the draw for California revival Knits leave a comment before Monday, when one of our guests will be drawing the winner in the evening at the Show & Share.

Can't wait to meet everyone on Sunday morning, let the party begin...


  1. What a beautiful salad. We would go to Vidal Sassoons in Toronto and have students cut our hair for under $10... that would be the mid 70s.


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