Latest on Django, plus beautiful turbans

After all the dramas of yesterday, I'm feeling a bit strung out this morning and slow off the mark. The cat flap remained firmly shut overnight, so when I got up the two kitties were there as usual, pawing the kitchen door, eagerly awaiting their breakfast. However, I'm now really nervous about letting Django out again - I knew I had to so it was with some trepidation that I gingerly opened the cat flap and out he shot like a bullet as if he was on a mission.

Thoughts of I'll never see him again flashed through my mind, but by the time I was having my own breakfast he was back to share my morning toast. As I write this he's sitting plaintively on the kitchen table looking out the window, probably thinking don't know what all the fuss is about. Anyway so far so good, I'm hoping he's learnt his lesson, but sadly it's not for nothing that I call  him a dumb blond -  Django is just accident prone.
Last time we had to rescue him from 80 feet up a pine tree, after a neighbour's dog chased him - couldn't blame the dog as it was his garden!  Only hours of coaxing got him down when we were on the verge of calling the fire brigade. Turns out yesterday he got into the garage by squeezing through a gap in the eaves, but once in couldn't find his way out again.  Duh!
Starting to think we should have called him Gulliver, but don't want to tempt providence, just hoping he's had enough of his travels for now. His first birthday's coming up in a couple of weeks, so maybe after that he'll feel he's sown his wild oats and it's time to settle down. Fingers crossed.
Thumbing through Vogue Knitting yesterday I came across a page I just had to show you. Vintage style turbans, wonderfully styled.  Love them.  Have made a note to include my own version in next book, which I should have been starting in earnest this week... best laid schemes!

Thanks to Robbie Burns for this great phrase.  It comes from his poem To a Mouse of 1786. As it's not long after Burns night, you may like his apology to the mouse, after he upturned a mouse's nest while ploughing a field:

But, Mousie, thou art no thy lane [you aren't alone]
In proving foresight may be vain:
The best laid schemes o' mice an' men
Gang aft a-gley, [often go awry]
An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,
For promised joy.

Was also the source for the title of John Steinbeck's 1937 novel - Of Mice and Men

Meanwhile Arlo has just come to tell me that Django's gone out again.  He's very vocal and stepping all over the fingerboard, his way of saying DO SOMETHING! Think it's going to be one of those days...


  1. I have two dogs myself so I can imagine how out of your mind you were going. Glad he's safe and sound again.

  2. Loving the turbans, not sure I'd be brave enough to wear here in N.Wales...maybe London though. Book review on blog today, hope you like it xx


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